WellcomeMing ValleyMLS

ValleyMLS becomes the source of videos for their 3,500 members.


WellcomeMat is hugely proud to announce our newest MLS partner, ValleyMLS, out of Huntsville, Alabama. 

ValleyMLS very much shares the idea that real estate videos need to be sourced by the MLS and they need to be treated with the same level of professionalism as photography. Plainly, video is standard web content and it belongs in the photo carousel of every real estate website or application; it belongs immediately available in MLS data and therefore in the marketing arsenal of every agent and broker.

ValleyMLS joins Triangle MLS, CRMLS, a large swath of regionally dominant brokerages making the statement, "video is standard web content...treat it as such!"

What happens when MLS decide to handle video like professionals? They unlock the largest source of raw AI material and data available. They gain the ability to prove video's value once and for all, with highly detailed analytics unavailable to them before. Best of all, they make video directly applicable for all their members and brokerages so they can integrate video into each and every marketing channel.  


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