While it's still true Craigslist does not allow the posting of videos on its website or automation of any kind, WellcomeMat has a workaround trick and we're going to share it with you today. You ready to get started?!
Here's an example of the end result:
Step 1: Find visit your Manage Videos page and click on the video you wish to share on Craigslist. After you choose a video, click on the right navigational item that reads, 'Email Video'.
Step 2: Grab the code for your video. You can alter the image size by choosing a different version in the drop down. By default your video's image is set to 550 pixels wide (same used in example).
Step 3: Create a Craigslist post and simply paste your 'Click to Play' embed code (see Step 2) anywhere in the 'Posting Description' area. Next click "Continue' and complete the posting process. That's it!
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Let us know how this works out for you and feel free to share examples or feedback below in the comments section of this post. Thanks!